Altrovino - General terms and conditions of sale

(Version 01.01.2022)

  1. Our sales and deliveries are made under the following conditions.
    The buyer is presumed to know and accept them by the very fact of the sale.
  2. This price list replaces all previous price lists.
  3. All our prices are given by way of information only, are not binding on us and are subject to sale.
  4. Unless expressly agreed otherwise, these general terms and conditions take precedence over all other terms and conditions of sale, in particular any terms and conditions that the buyer may formulate on his own stationery or order...
  5. All our invoices are payable in cash, unless otherwise agreed. In the event of non-payment on the due date, interest of 1% per month on the amount from the invoice date shall become due by operation of law without any notice of default being required. By way of damages, the amount due will be increased by 10% by operation of law and without any notice of default, with a minimum of € 50, - without prejudice to interest and costs.
  6. Non-timely payment shall automatically and without notice result in the cessation of further sales or deliveries...
  7. Non-payment on the due date of a single invoice makes the balance due of all other invoices, even those that have not yet matured, immediately due and payable by operation of law and without a reminder...
  8. The merchandise remains the exclusive property of the seller until full payment of the invoices. The risk is transferred to the buyer upon delivery...
  9. Orders are carried out without guarantee of delivery on a fixed date. Changes or late deliveries on the part of the seller do not entitle the buyer to cancel the purchase or to claim compensation.
  10. Complaints regarding the invoice or the delivery will only be accepted if sent by registered mail, within eight days after the delivery date...
  11. This sale is exclusively governed by Belgian law. In the event of a dispute, the Court of Gent shall have exclusive jurisdiction...
  12. The buyer agrees not to hold the directors, representatives, shareholders, (self-employed) employees, appointees, or any other kind of person assisting the seller personally liable on any non-contractual basis, nor to pursue them jointly or severally with the seller, except in cases where the damage results from an infringement of the physical or psychological integrity of the seller or in the event of a wrongful act committed by such persons with the intent to cause harm.